When It Does Not Make Sense

This series is intended to deepen our faith; that is, to take our faith beyond seeking “things” and to trusting God because of who He is. For many, their faith is in their faith and not in the character of God. A faith that is firmly rested in God is immovable when things do not make sense to us. Please contemplate these reflections:

Day 1

Genesis 50:20: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

Joseph spoke those profound words to his brothers at their reunion. They had sold him into slavery after holding him in a pit. Joseph experienced rejection and abandonment from his on kin and then in his new home, he experienced being lied upon and subsequent imprisonment. And after he had done good for those whose dreams he interpreted, he was forgotten. Oh what suffering!! Oh what pain!! But God had purpose in all of it. Joseph’s suffering and pain was his path to purpose – saving an entire nation and his own family.

Often, we do not understand why we go through the things we do. We get angry, anxious, frustrated or despondent. We ask God why. But God has purpose for our suffering. All those things we think are meant for evil, God intends for our good and He will get glory out of it. He will bring us out on the other side victorious. Be patient in tribulation. Do not despise suffering. Wait on God. Look for His purpose while you wait for your “breakthrough” to come. Suffering is part of THE PROCESS!!! #TrustGOD #EndureSufferingAsGoodSoldiers

Day 2

(2 Corinthians 1:3&4): “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God”.

Have you ever asked the question, “why me, Lord?” Many of us have asked the question at some point, especially when we find ourselves in trouble. That question makes, at least, two presuppositions: 1. You should not be having troubles 2. Since you are experiencing trouble, God must have a purpose for it. While the first supposition is false, the second is True. God is in control and He has a purpose for every experience in our lives. God uses those unpleasant circumstances in our lives to demonstrate Himself as comforter in our lives and to use us to strengthen and comfort others. I consider that a privilege and honour.

Recently, I spoke in church about WORRY. Many of the illustrations came from the situations I’ve been through. Many persons came afterwards to say how much they were encouraged to trust God. It amazed me that God can use my suffering to encourage others.

The next time we have a troubling experience, instead of despairing, remember that God has a purpose for your suffering – He is making your life a blessing to others.

Day 3

“Consider it pure Joy, my brothers nd sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let patience finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:2-4)

Amidst the height of persecution of Jewish believers scattered among pagan peoples, comes this surprising exhortation from James that trials should be faced, by the believer, with an attitude of joy and not be seen as a punishment or inconvenience. While, we are not being joyous for trials, we are certainly being encouraged to be joyous IN trials. The believer can face trials with joy because of the benefits that come out of those trials. Trials, when approached with the right attitude (joy) produces endurance. True faith is proven by our ability to withstand testing. James says “because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” The word “know” actually means that we know through experience… The many times that God has taken us through similar trials. Those are the experiences we use to remind ourselves of the benefits of trials.

And when we allow perseverance to finish its work – when we allow God to take us through the “PROCESS”, we become mature and spiritually fulfilled and lacking nothing (we will be all that God wants us to be).

I know it is difficult for us to see how we can face trials with Joy. It seems difficult to accomplish. James says if we find it difficult to understand how this can be accomplished, assistance is readily available from a giving God (If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God… James 1:5).

Let us endeavour to face every test with a new attitude. #JoyfulInTrial #PrayerfullyEndure #LetPerseverancFinishItsWork

Day 4

1 Peter 1: 3-7… In this passage, Peter encourages the believers to give praise to God for the new birth they’ve received, the living hope they have of an imperishable future inheritance, that they are shielded by God’s power and he encourages them to praise God through “suffering grief and all kinds of trials.”

Often, when we repeat the refrain, “God is good”, it is because things are going good. But when things are not going as well, we forget that His goodness remains – for it is not dependent on our circumstances. We still have new birth, we still have a living hope, there is still an imperishable inheritance reserved for us. But we forget that when we are experiencing suffering or grief.

Peter reminds the believers who were exiles in various cities that they ought to praise God and rejoice, despite their suffering because suffering has two major results:
1. It refines and purifies one’s faith,much like how gold is refined when it goes through the fire and the dross (impurity) is removed

2. It proves the reality and genuiness of our faith. The power of our convictions about God is never truly demonstrated in the “good” times. When we are able to endure suffering and trials of ALL kinds and still not doubt or sway or question God’s goodness, then we have proved that our faith is genuine – that it is not in the things we have or our comfort but in God.
Genuine faith (which is demonstrated in the midst of suffering) is not just of value to the believer (Peter said it is more valuable than gold) but it will also bring #Praise, #Glory and #Honour to God. In other words. Our attitude in the midst of suffering demonstrates our real conviction and convinces others of the truth of our LIVING HOPE!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for new birth, a living hope, an imperishable future inheritance reserved for me. And though, now, for a little while, I may suffer grief in all kinds of trials, yet I rejoice because of ALL that he’s done and because He is making my faith pure and genuine, so that He can get glory out of my life. Have YOUR way, Lord!

Day 5

“I consider that our present sufferings are far ourweighed by the glory that will be revealed in (as well as to and through) us.” Romans 8:18

We are called to endure suffering. It is a part of our Christian walk. Paul reminded his readers that sharing in Christ’s future glory required sharing in his sufferings in this life. He shares with them that this future glory upon which the believer waits in (guaranteed) hope, is so GREAT that present sufferings are insignificant in comparison. Also, this glory is forever, while suffering is temporary. This should help us to endure suffering as we consider that it won’t last.

One of my favourite hymns reverberates as I write:

“Oft times the days seem long, our trials hard to bear. We’re tempted to complain; to murmur and despair. But Christ will soon appear to catch his bride away. All tears forever over in God’s eternal day… It will be worth it all when we see Jesus! Life’s trials will seem so small when we see Christ. One glimpse of His dear face, all sorrow will erase. So bravely run the race till we see Christ.”

It (our suffering) is worth it all. Paul knew what that meant. He demonstrated the hope he had in this future glory by rejoicing in the midst of suffering and persecution. Do you consider that Christ is worth you (and I) suffering this light affliction in this life? The next time you come up on hard time, what will be your attitude?

#think aboutfutureglory #ItWillBeWorthItAll #EndureSuffering #BravelyRunTheRace

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