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The Story of Our Fellowship

"Our mission is to transform lives into empowered, mature, disciples of Christ through authentic Christian relationship, dynamic worship, sound Biblical teaching and engaging outreach."

01. The Vision
The vision of what is now Ekklesia Bible Fellowship began many years ago while Pastor Barry Hall was at Dallas Theological Seminary. One of his professors and mentors, Aubrey Malphurs would have been an early influence in Pastor Hall’s sensing and ultimate decision to plant a church.

Experiencing the way church has been done within the Jamaican culture and armed with insights into the biblical model of how church must be done, Pastor Hall was challenged to return to his homeland, Jamaica to transform the way church is done: this, despite the numerous opportunities that he could have grasped overseas as a highly qualified academician/theologian. His decision to return, however, was not an easy one.
02. Drawbacks & Concerns
He felt apprehension to return to transform the Jamaican church for a number of justifiable reasons. How would he fit in since most churches tend to be:

  • Resistant to change
  • Plateaued or declining
  • Culturally relevant

Furthermore, why should anyone start another church in a country known to have the most churches per square mile in the world? But, again, he was challenged by his Professor, Malphurs, who admonished that “It is easier to give birth than to raise the dead.”
03. Taking the Plunge
Upon Pastor Hall’s return, he began lecturing at several tertiary/theological institutions, among which is the Jamaica Theological Seminary. It was there he encountered students whom God used to continue to challenge and motivate him to plant a church that resembled the one described in the Bible, where there's relevant teaching, heart-felt worship, honest friendships, constant prayer, and compassionate care.

The classes he taught opened both his and his students’ eyes to what is really needed. Many wanted him to start a bible study where they could explore deeper, the Word of God, outside of the classroom. And in 2010, at his home, Pastor Barry began a bible study with about 12 friends, students, and members of his family.
04. Making the Vision A Reality
It was that bible study that became Ekklesia Bible Fellowship (EBF). On Sunday, September 4, 2010, EBF had its official launch at its current location on 32 Hope Road, Kingston 10. Today we stand ready to accomplish the vision that God has set before us. Being a new church provides the opportunity for establishing relationships and friendships.

We believe that relationships are critical, which is basically what we are about at Ekklesia Bible fellowship, relationships with God and with people. In short, we'd like to have the kind of contagious Christianity that can influence and encourage the entire community.
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